Homeschooling is a journey. Those who have already experienced the peaks and valleys themselves are often the most qualified to offer encouragement and advice; which in turn, provides greater hope and confidence than the most well thought out plans, excellent curricula, or state standards.
Michelle Bigelow
Welcome to Inspire Learning Academy
For over a decade, the staff, instructors, and community of Inspire Learning Academy have come alongside parents who have taken the leap to be in control of their child’s education. Our objective is not to shoulder their responsibility and become their “alternative school”; rather, we help them to embrace their decision and support them through the process. We share our experiences to help them get organized and find resources. We listen to their fears and challenges and become a bridge between their decision to homeschool and gaining much needed confidence to keep moving forward.
We wholeheartedly believe parents know their kids best. We believe they should have the power and option to choose where, when, what, and how their children receive an education.
We believe they CAN homeschool and that ILA can help!
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap a great harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9
ILA has overcome many changes and challenges through the years, but nothing has had a greater impact on the homeschooling community as a whole than COVID 19. Although we can’t be certain if COVID was the problem or the catalyst, it is clear that traditional education is no longer serving most students to achieve their personal best. Parents are leaving traditional classrooms in droves and they need the support of like-minded folks to rally around and champion them forward. This is what ILA does best!
Our little nonprofit is blessed to have an amazing team of experienced, passionate, faith-filled staff!. We are committed to empowering parents to use their voices and votes to stand up for parent control, classroom transparency, and choices in how their children are educated.
We mentor the students in our classrooms. Our objective is that they would discover their own strengths, grow in their confidence, and master the art of critical thinking. We have no desire to teach them “what to think” our desire is to give them the skills to “think for themselves”.
We can’t do it all. Our resources are very limited as our company is still in the process of getting our financial legs under us again and rebuilding our infrastructure. We are relying more than ever on the generosity and support of our families, friends, and community to help us get the curriculum, classroom supplies, and rebuild our reserves for scholarships and payroll.
Our homeschooling enrichment center is now completely dependent on the private funding of our local homeschooling parents and angel investors like you. Our objective is to support parents in their choice to home educate without relying on government funding and control. Your generosity helps us to further our mission of offering resources, opportunities, and support to local homeschool children and families.
We can’t do this alone. How will you help?
Your Support directly impacts ILA.
Our instructors, students, and families thank you! -
Inspire Learning Academy strives to be a safe and supportive learning environment where students are encouraged to learn and grow.
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“As human beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has, or ever will have, something inside that is unique to all time. It’s our job to encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of developing its expression.”
Inspire Learning Academy, Inc. is a federally recognized 501c3 nonprofit corporation. All contributions are tax deductible.