“I want to talk to you about the subject of plans… life plans and how we all make them, and how we hope that our kids make good, smart, safe plans of their own. But if we’re really honest with ourselves, most of our plans don’t work out as we’d hoped. So instead of asking our young people, ‘What are your plans? What do you plan to do with your life?’, maybe we should tell them this: Plan… to be surprised.”
~ Dan: from the movie, “Dan in Real Life” ~

Michelle Bigelow

Hello Friends,

Allow me to introduce myself and welcome you to Inspire Learning Academy.

It’s still a surprise for me to be here; teaching and working for a homeschool learning center long after my own children are grown and the nest is swept clean (definitely insert some tears here). But how can I stop when my deep, often wild, sometimes frowned upon, unyielding faith in Jesus Christ calls me forward. He has lead me on paths I never would have chosen so that I have had the opportunity to see Him move in ways I never could have expected.

I long for things to be simple. I love to feel in control. My life is rarely either of these things! For example, I NEVER meant to homeschool. Like NEVER, EVER! So upon jumping into the deep end with all three of our children it felt like drowning. I cried. I freaked out (thank God for a long suffering husband), I asked for help and help came. :)

I say all of this because, today, nearly two decades after that traumatizing decision, I often see myself in the faces of parents reaching out to ILA for help, encouragement, and hope. I have the experience to be the help they need. The wonderful, brave, faithful team I work with also pours out their hearts, talents, and prayers to add their support to mine. We are the body of Christ. We serve without reserve and it’s a beautiful thing.

Together, we “…run with endurance, the race set before us…” . This is what believers are called to do in Hebrews 12:1. Is it simple? No. Do we feel in control? No. But we do it because there is great need. We do it because students and families are struggling, and falling apart, and they need Jesus, and life skills, and hope! We do it for the ministry and not for the money.

I love quotes, so I’ll end with this one by Pastor Kris Vallotton: “As followers of Jesus, we should be willing to do for LOVE what we normally would only do for money.”

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap a great harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9

  • Inspire Learning Academy, Inc.

    It’s hard to believe that Inspire Learning Academy is celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2022. A lot of changes and challenges have arisen over the years, but nothing has had more impact on the homeschooling community as a whole than COVID 19. Although, to be honest, I’m not certain if COVID was the problem or the catalyst that revealed what’s been there all along - just hidden in the shadows.

    Whatever the cause, parents are continuing to leave traditional education in droves and they need the support of like-minded folks to rally around and champion them. This is our time to SHINE!

  • High School Culinary

    Our little nonprofit is so blessed to have a faith-filled, prayer believing staff! We are super committed to empowering parents and doing what we can to ensure they continue to use their voice and their votes to push back on a culture that is wrongfully manipulating our educational system. If you’re reading this, then you are someone who I believe shares our conviction to protect traditional family values both at home and in the classroom., Who knew education in America would become the mission field as well as the battle ground?

  • Middle School Culinary

    We can’t do it all. Our resources are very limited as our company is still in the process of getting our financial legs under us again and rebuilding our infrastructure. We are relying more than ever on the generosity and support of our families, friends, and community to help us get the curriculum, classroom supplies, and rebuild our reserves for scholarships and payroll.

  • Water Wheels and Wind Mills

    Our homeschooling enrichment center is now completely dependent on the private funding of our local homeschooling parents and angel investors like you. Our objective is to support parents in their choice to home educate without relying on government funding and control. Your generosity helps us to further our mission of offering resources, opportunities, and support to local homeschool children and families.

  • Pray ~ Pay ~ Teach

    We can’t do this alone. How will you help?

    Acts 4:33-34
    With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that no needy persons were among them.
    Donate Here

    Prayer covers, encourages, and sustains us.

    Contributions help us grow and do more good in the world!

    Joining our instructor team impacts more students with excellence, mentorship, and opportunities.

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Luke 10:2
These were His instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields.

Education is not the filling of a pot, but the lighting of a FIRE!